I stayed home on Wednesday to stay on top of K’s pain.
We kept the ibuprofen and Tylenol going all day and thankfully had no relapse of Tuesday night. Thursday, dad took K to clinic and celebrated the end of steroids (for now) with a trip to Build-a-Bear and Rainforest Café.
K’s counts are good so she can have play-dates.
Her weight was up 3lbs from last week from the steroids but it should come off before her next round. She also got a green light to go to a somewhat empty movie theater – which is what we did today.

The pain was intermittent over the last few days.
Last night was probably the worst of it.
Kennedy has been sleeping in our bed so Gene and I have been taking turns sleeping in hers since K is an active kicker.
Last night dad got to sleep with K and she kept him up all night with leg pain.
Thankfully by the morning it was gone.
When dad left, I hopped back into bed with K which is where we stayed until 11am today. Later Sofia came over and the four of us - Kennedy, Sofia, Maddox and Me went to see the Lorax. Maddox stayed home from camp today to hang out with mom and plus, he was exhausted from 4 non-stop days of camp and late bed-times. After the movie, Maddox took a nap, Kennedy and Sofia slept and I did some work.
So far the day has been a good one for Miss. K. Below are pics from the last few days. It’s hard to stay on top of posts lately. I’ve seemed to develop sympathy pains for K and my hands and joints are killing me out of the blue...weird.
So glad to hear she had a better day! Hopefully more of these in the future!!!