Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 27

 Not sure WHAT is wrong with my emotions but today I’m definitely more angry or feisty than scared.  Guess this roller coaster ride is just getting started.  Everything frustrates me or makes me tear up.

Making pizza with dad
Of the many instances of things that got me going today, the one that really makes my blood boil is an attempt to host a blood drive at the HIP.  Kennedy received about 4-5 blood/platelet transfusions her first three weeks of treatment.  Having the HIP as a huge resource and knowing how important blood is in saving lives, our marketing department decided to open the HIP up for a blood drive. Christina (my wonderful, sweet colleague) even came up with some perks for those that would donate and then reached out to Life Source to try and set one up.  When she got the return call, she was met with resistance and negativity.  All the excuses in the world….”we need 30 pints of blood and last time we did one, we only got 10 (that was 7 frickin years ago)…it costs $7k for us to come out and that’s too much money if we don’t collect enough blood…you don’t have a large enough area…and on and on she went”.  Really?  We have daily foot traffic of 50k, 30 pints is not a problem, especially if we market it.  Who would think it would be so hard to host a blood drive?  Needless to say, this is now my mission and I’m irritated.
Kennedy and her makeup

On to Kennedy.  K spent the day with daddy who hosted a pizza-baking event.  I came home from work to a wonderful array of pizzas made by Mr. Maddox and Miss. Kennedy.  Dad also gave K a long bath, which she loves.

I did day two of learning to read and dad spent time reading and doing homework with Maddox.  Kennedy is still out eating the family 3:1.  Two more full days of steroids to go.

Thank you to all who have sent gifts, clothes, make-up and cards – it is all appreciated and the kids are having a good time playing.  We came home to more packages and lovely cards - thank you so much for thinking of us and praying!!!


  1. Ok - here's my suggestion for the Life Source people: write a separate blog entry here. Ask everyone if they want to donate blood and if they would come to HIP to do so. Then send that along to LifeSource. My sister has already said she would, and you know I will. That's 2 pints already (do they take a pint? I have no idea - whatever). 28 to go!

  2. Sorry you met any resistance. That is the last thing you need right now. We did a PSA for Lifesource last year when Ella was diagnosed, maybe you can offer to help them out and let them use Kennedy's image? But, you can also try Heartland Blood centers. Offer to do a sign up in advance so they can always cancel it if they feel you do not have enough people.
    Your welcome to call me anytime you need to vent. Pizza looked yummy!
