This weekend we were on the go. We did some shopping, hosted and attended play-dates, had
dinners with friends and even made it out on the boat. I must admit boating is a lot more
stressful these days. Not only do
we need to make sure we have the right food and supplies with us but we also
need to plan out the meds and timing.
We haven’t trailered our boat in years so pulling it out of the water at
nearly 11pm was a bit of challenge.
Yes, I said it….11pm. We
got out on the water at 3pm and Kennedy was having such a good time, she wanted
to go eat at our restaurant on the chain for dinner and when all was said and
done, 11pm.
We stopped by our old marina where our trailer was last year. The new owners built a deck and
screened sunroom, it looked amazing.
It was sad knowing we wouldn’t be spending our summers there anymore. We also saw our neighbors Dave and
Janie. Dave finally retired last
year and was diagnosed with liver cancer this year. It was sad to see both him and Kennedy together with their
bald heads and distended tummies (although Dave has always been bald). They both had the infamous look of
cancer. It’s odd how cancer
patients have a similar look. I’m
not sure if it’s the disease or the treatment that makes it that way. Anyway, it was sad thinking back to
last summer compared to the beginning of summer 2012.
Kennedy received her Make-A-Wish folder in the mail
today. It is something we are all
looking forward to when we near the end of her treatment. Maintenance is less than 2 months away
and then only 2 years to go until she’s free of the port. I see a light at the end of the tunnel
and although it’s still a long ways a way, it’s sooner every day.
PS...I know I owe some thank you cards for gifts and K's birthday...I promise, they are coming soon.