Thank goodness the steroid pulse is over.
It wasn’t as disgusting as the last one
but could have been had we not been prepared.
Kennedy did have some back and leg pain but it was
mostly alleviated with Tylenol/Codeine and Aspirin - no morphine needed.
Dad took K to clinic yesterday for another chemo dose of
Vincristine. Post pokey and clinic, they went to Rainforest Café and Build-A-Bear where Kennedy added a mermaid cat to her collection.
She did well
and her counts were in the 7,000’s due to the steroid.
It’s kind of a fake ANC count but I’ll
take it. When she got home she crashed for 2 hours and missed her piano lesson with Kaitlyn.
Last night she was
nauseated and this morning wasn't feeling well either. I can’t wait until this Viscristine/Steroid mix is out of
her system. Her intense appetite
has already subsided and she's been sleeping a lot. She has moved back into our room this week and has somewhat taken over (when we can watch TV, when to turn off the bathroom light, how long and loud we can talk, etc). I'm hoping she'll be back in her bed soon.
We are planning on enjoying the weekend at home. Next week is a hospital admit…only 2
more to go and then maintenance!
Come on maintenance!!!!!