Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Days 120 - 124

It’s been a busy few days.  We played with the neighbors all weekend, had play dates, piano lessons, went to Maddox’s baseball games, and celebrated dad’s birthday last night.  For the most part, we are keeping up with “normal” life but we’re all paying the toll one way or another.  We should slow down but we haven’t missed a beat.  When Kennedy acts normal, we forget she has cancer and that her body is undergoing pure chemical hell.  Every so often she is reminded with nausea, body pain and extreme fatigue – she could barely stay up for dad’s birthday last night.  For us as parents, we also forget what we are going through emotionally until we are so tired, anxious or depressed we can barely function.  We act normal and for the most part feel normal until we hit a wall.  Tonight I’m at a wall.

It’s hard to keep up with the blog, work and life in general.  No one would guess it since we haven’t dropped a single ball…yet...but I wish we could.  Life doesn’t stop for illness, in fact it moves faster than ever.  I hope we can keep up.

Off to pack for Kennedy’s admit tomorrow.  


  1. I've said it before- but you and your fam are amazing. You are so strong,and if the little things drop off- so be it. If anyone can keep it all going, I know it will be you, girl! Praying and thinking about you all always. xoxo

  2. You and Gene are perfect illustrations of the old saying: "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger." That phrase runs through my mind when I read your blogs. Hope the hospital stay was smoothl and hope you all have a good weekend.
