Her submission went up against dance choreography, film
production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. There were beautiful entries and she is
shocked that she made it to the next level.
Possibly it was the subject of her submission that influenced the judges, not many kids
experience a life altering event so young.
Kennedy loves to read and write. She journals a few days a week and is
currently working on a graphic novel which reflects pieces of her life and
those around her. What I personally love most about her Reflections submission is her innocence
in addressing a serious subject.
Kennedy’s Reflections essay is below. Wish her
luck in making it to the next round!
Reach for the Cure
By: Kennedy Khalimsky
Do you know what’s in reach?
The cure for cancer. It’s just
right there!
You know, I met a girl who had cancer, her name was Kennedy
Khalimsky. Oh yeah, that’s me. Today, I’m telling you my story.
It all started on New Years Eve in Mexico in 2011 and I was
feeling queasy. I had stomach pains,
then later I puked. I felt so sick that
I didn’t even make it to midnight. I was
4 years old. The next day I spent eating
pretzels by the pool.
Fast forward and we are home. My dad pulled up with the car and we went
straight to the doctor. Nothing’s wrong
with me. A few weeks later, my mom takes
me again and for the second time, there’s nothing wrong with me. My doctor prescribed me soup and liquids for
the next week.
My parents took me for the last time and my dad demanded
that they took blood. They did and
that’s when they knew I had leukemia, a type of blood cancer. They found out the cancer was low risk after
the first month of treatment but still, it was the beginning to a long journey,
a two and a half year journey of chemo.
After that, I was in and out of the hospital, one time I was
there for a whole month. I also had
every day chemo treatments. I hated the
shots and when they had to access my port, it was the worst. I even wore a “no pokey” shirt.
Every night, I had to starve two hours before and one hour
after my chemo pill and my mom and I would practice visualizing killing cancer
cells. I was princess K and I was a white warrior killing the evil cells
inside. I’m not sure if it was the pills
or my nightly mind attacks but it worked.
I reached for a cure and I found it with the help of my doctors and family.
If my body could reach a cure for cancer, I know I can
achieve anything I reach for.
Artist statement: My story relates to the theme because the
cure for my cancer was in reach, just not there yet. My cancer was low risk but still very
dangerous. The story explains how it all
happened and the things I did to get through it all.
Edan Gelt
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