Kennedy is a vibrant, 9 year old girl who loves dancing, hanging out with her friends and baking. Since my last post, Kennedy has been in remission with bi-monthly blood work and check-ups. She doesn’t even flinch when they draw blood and stares right at the needle (just like her daddy) - this makes me feel like a big baby because I’m a chicken.
I've had the opportunity to spend the last two summers with the kids as a stay-at-home mom. It wasn't something planned but I couldn't be more thankful to have had that time. I earned the role as Kennedy’s “hero” and we all discovered I CAN COOK (pretty good too)! I also knocked out a 100-mile century bike ride and got beat by Maddox at chess – more than once.
Gene and I don’t discuss or reflect on the 2.5 years she was in treatment. I printed out her blog in a hard covered book for her to read, she glances through it occasionally and sometimes I’ll catch Maddox reading too.
So let the countdown begin…23 days till the cure!
A video of her hip hop dance last year:
And her group dance:
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