Getting hydrated at clinic |
This week threw us for a loop. When things seem to be going well, there has to be
hiccup. We planned an adult only
get away; that should have been our clue that something was going to
happen. Kennedy started showing
symptoms of a cold last Friday; which kept Mom and Kennedy home from a ski
getaway with Dad, Maddox and some friends. K started feeling better on
Wednesday and we were all set to send her to school on Thursday - wrong. Thursday morning she threw up. This made me worry and I started to add
up symptoms – bruising, joint pain, headache, stomachache, nausea, cough,
stuffy nose, night sweats, weight loss - the same symptoms we saw when Kennedy
was diagnosed. I stayed home and
called Dr. Manera and he told me to bring her in on Friday morning. She threw up again on Thursday night
and was miserable. I did
everything I could not to panic.
Friday it snowed and the world forgot how to drive. It took us nearly 1.5 hours to go 25
miles to clinic When we did get
there, doc determined K’s counts were good but she was severely
dehydrated. They pumped two bags
of fluid into her and sent her home.
She also lost some weight (3 lbs) so we were able to decrease her weekly chemo
by ½ pill – which was fine because I took it upon myself to decrease it by that
much the night before. I mean, who
can give a pill that causes nausea to a kid that just threw up so I gave her
the smaller dose. (She takes 1.5
pills of 6mp four times per week and 1 pill 3 times, I gave her 1 on Thursday
night versus the scheduled 1.5).
Two hours after we left clinic Dr. Manera called, our
conversation went something like this (of course this is abbreviated to edit
out me panicking):
Doc: “We got her virus culture back and it is rino-virus,
aka the common cold”
Me: “That’s great, just a cold…hmm, why is she throwing up?”
Doc: “Lots of
kids have been very sick from rino-virus, in fact, I’ve had to hospitalize a
few for dehydration and fevers”
Me: “Okay,
guess we are one of the lucky ones”
Doc: “There is
another thing….her liver enzyme counts were very high, more than 20 times the
normal level of toxicity”
Me: “Well, what
do we do, what causes this?”
Doc: “It could
be the chemo, we will need her to come in on Wednesday and have her blood taken
again for counts, if it is still high, we will need to put her on chemo hold”
Me: “Oh no,
Gene and I will be on vacation, should we stay home?
Doc: "No, no big deal, lets test her the following Monday then"
Me: "But then she will have another round of Methotrexate on Wednesday night, I’m sure I can find someone to take her”
Doc: “Just make
sure they have a POA”
Normalcy - K lost her first tooth |
I got off the phone and flipped out. First, how could I send K to clinic
with anyone but us? Then, of
course I played doctor by researching on the internet and learned that many
docs stop chemo when the patient’s liver enzymes are 5 times toxicity. Of course I paged the doctor back and
told him we should put her on chemo hold now. He talked me out of it - stating that by Wednesday it might
go down, it could just be from the cold and dehydration. I made him swear that her best interest
was taken into account, regardless of the protocol. He assured me her best interests were being considered
first. I can’t do anything but
trust him, he is one of the best and he told me he’s seen this countless times.
Then the planning started…do we stay home? Do we send her to clinic? If so, with who? No one knows where clinic is, or about
how we don’t sign in, where to sit so we are away with flu-sick peds kids, how
to put on Emla cream pre-clinic, etc.
I called 4 people to figure it out – Grandma and my 3 new friends that I
made from clinic during the past year - Kate (Ella’s Mom who’s been through
this), Donna (her son is also in treatment) and Megan (the child life
specialist at Loyola).
Cookies made by K when sick |
We figured it out.
Kate is going to go to clinic with Grandma and Donna and Megan will be
there too. Kate even made it one
step more special by letting Ella miss school to keep Kennedy company. Kennedy
is ecstatic she can sleep at Grandmas the night before and can’t wait for her
clinic play date with Ella. She
hasn’t had a play date in months!
I spent the last few days scheduling every day we are
gone. Who goes where when and what
meds are given on what days and who will give them. I have a daily calendar that is structured by the hour. For me this is huge, I am NOT an
organized person. If anything, we
are 5 hours away.
Now to get on the plane tomorrow morning….